General Educational Development (GED)
A regular high school diploma should always be a student’s first plan for completing their high school education. Earning a GED is not easier or quicker to earn than a high school diploma. Depending on the individual student and their unique circumstances, earning a GED may be a better plan for completion. Before any student considers GED as an option, they should be well informed about what the GED program is and what it is not.
GED tests have been calibrated to match the level and rigor of high school graduation requirements and the state standards. They are not easy and will take studying and preparation to pass. The four required GED are Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. An essay is required in the Language Arts assessment.
GED is a program fit if you:
- Meet the minimum age requirement of 16 and are at least one year behind in your high school credits
- Have academic skills close to grade level
- Read at the 8th grade reading level or higher
- Are skilled in at least Algebra/Geometry content
- Do not require a lot of instructional support to understand the content
- Are a self-directed individual
GED is not a fit for you if you:
- Work below grade level standards
- Need extensive instruction and/or tutoring
Did you know?
It takes, on average, 5 to 7 months to complete your GED.
Attendance is mandatory, 4 days a week for 2 hour time blocks. Students are placed in time blocks depending on available space and at the discretion of the GED Coordinator.
If you’ve had a gap in your education (i.e. not been attending school for months), you will have a difficult time passing the GED assessment without dedicated preparation work.
Online classes are required for preparation as well as completion of practice assessments.
All online tests are required to be taken in the presence of an adult approved to administer GED assessments.
If you enroll in the Grants Pass School District GED program, your preparation and assessments costs are all covered by the district.
Photo ID is REQUIRED for GED testing.
Only about 30% of the students who have attempted the GED program are successful.
RCC no longer accepts GED referrals from Grants Pass School District (effective 9/2017). Parents may elect to have their student in the RCC GED program IF they register their student as homeschooled with the Southern Oregon ESD. From there, SOESD can support a student’s effort to register with RCC’s GED program. Home School registration paperwork is available at the SOESD.